At Royal Greenwich council, Holly led a range of projects to embed health into the Borough’s planning policies and to link up the Council’s planning and public health teams.
Holly set up workshops on the theme of ‘tackling obesity through planning and development.’ These workshops formed part of the TCPA’s ‘Planning Healthy Weight Environments’ project and were important in getting Councillors fully engaged in the healthy planning agenda and starting to think about the issues that needed to be addressed.
Within the Borough’s local planning policies, Holly developed a policy on Cohesive and Healthy Communities. In 2012, this was the start of a new wave of recognising that planning had a role to play in healthier communities. This also came at a time when responsibility for public health commissioning moved to local authorities, making it much easier to engage with these colleagues. The policies in Greenwich’s local plan lead the way in London in terms of embedding health into local planning policy.
Holly lead on the preparation Greenwich’s local plan of and took it through its examination in public, ensuring that thee important policies that were part of the draft were also retained in the adopted version.